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Finding God in the Ordinary

January is a multifaceted month at BSM. As a Catholic School, it is a time of beginnings, mid-points, endings, and simply ordinary time. We might make resolutions for the new year, while academically, we are winding down the first semester and preparing for exams that assess what has been learned. We also begin new classes with different classmates in the second semester. For the Church, the new year began at the start of Advent back in December, and this period after Christmas is called Ordinary Time. 

Ordinary time is marked by green vestments that a priest wears during Mass in parishes and the absence of a notable Church season like Advent, Christmas, Lent, or Easter. Yet, Ordinary Time does not have to be ordinary for us. As the vestment color of green brings to mind the colors of fresh Spring grass, ordinary time can be a season of renewal and recommitment to what matters most, much like a new year. In our personal lives, we may commit to a health goal or to spending more time with family and friends. We may decide to start a new hobby or begin a new adventure. Spiritually, we may be inspired by the Gospel readings at Mass when we will hear about the ministry work Jesus completed, going out and forming disciples who would ultimately go on to bear His Good News to the world. Perhaps we will create a spiritual goal during this season to live out discipleship in a deeper way.

For BSM, we intentionally committed through our scripture theme, to focus on continuing to foster a strong community for students, parents, faculty, staff, alums, and all BSM community members. We especially leaned into our Benedictine charism which reminds us of the importance of hospitality and seeing the image of Christ in each other. This is no ordinary task. 

As you move on from 2024, thinking about what 2025 may bring, BSM invites you to use this season of Ordinary Time to consider how you can help grow community in your own life and at BSM. We invite you to ponder the ways you can be Christ to all and see others as Christ. We challenge you to consider the ordinary, day by day ways, you can show radical hospitality. 

What ordinary areas in your life is God asking you to make extraordinary by inviting Him in? How can you live out community and hospitality in the ordinary moments of your lives to make an extraordinary difference?

Perhaps you could invite a fellow Red Knight over for a meal. Or offer an encouraging word to someone who needs support. Or simply smile in an intentional way at everyone God places in your path on a given day. Hospitality can be simple but the challenge lies in being consistent.

When we collectively strive to nurture our community with hospitality and charity towards others, we allow God to transform the ordinary into something godly. Always bear in mind that the all powerful God chose the most ordinary way to make Himself present to all, by taking on human form and humbling Himself, by being born in a stable with farm animals. 

May God bless you in each and every beautiful, ordinary moment of the coming year.

God bless,
Campus Ministry Team

Past Campus Ministry Letters

BSM Campus Ministry

Nick Brady, Director of Faith and Mission

Peg Hodapp, Theology Teacher, Service Learning

Mike Jeremiah, Campus Minister 

Faith Experiences at BSM

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Campus Ministry