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Students are involved at many levels in BSM drama productions, including both on stage acting, singing, and dancing roles as well as students who are involved backstage with lighting, sound, set building, prop management, and stage management.

The BSM drama department offers three performance opportunities annually, two in the senior high and one in the junior high. The senior high fall production runs from September through October. The junior high production runs from January through February. The senior high musical runs from March to May. Production and audition information is posted on the Drama bulletin board across from the Great Hall.

Purchase tickets to attend our shows!

Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for students and seniors.
Children under five are free.

2024-2025 Drama Season


Jake Mahler 

Caroline Stroh

Time Commitment
Rehearsals are typically held after school from 3-6 p.m., though there are occasional evening rehearsals the last two weeks before a production.