Senior High Course Selection
8th grade Student Course Course Selection Steps for Freshman Year at BSM
- Look at Course Descriptions in the Program of Studies.
- Check the courses you want to take on your Freshman Course Selection Worksheet.
- Current BSM 8th grade students: You will register with your BSM counselor during science on March 5 or 6, 2025.
- If you are an 8th grader new to BSM, you will register with a BSM counselor in person on one of the following dates. Please sign up for a time to register here:
- Thursday, Feb. 27 from 4-7 p.m. in the BSM library
- Saturday, March 1 from 9 a.m.-noon in the BSM library
Questions? Check out this Freshman course FAQ resource.
Current 9th-11th Grade BSM Student Course Selection Steps
- Look at Course Descriptions in the Program of Studies.
- Consider BSM's college credit courses. Review the College Credit Options presentation.
- Circle courses you want to take on appropriate grade-level Course Selection Worksheet (you'll get a hard copy during the first week of February.)
- Sophomore Course Selection Worksheet (for current freshmen, Class of 2028)
- Junior Course Selection Worksheet (for current sophomores, Class of 2027)
- Senior Course Selection Worksheet (for current juniors, Class of 2026)
- Bring your completed course selection worksheet when you officially select your courses with a counselor in the library:
- Current Freshmen
Wednesday, Feb. 26 - during your Theology class - Current Sophomores and Juniors
Thursday, Feb. 27 or Friday, Feb. 28 during your study hall or BSM hour in BSM library - the first 40 mins of each period.
- Current Freshmen
Note that these courses require either an application or an audition:
- Journalism: Journalism Application - due Feb. 14
- Peer Ministry: Peer Ministry Application - due Feb. 14
- Red Knotes: Auditions will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 12 from 3-5 p.m. in the choir room. Results will be posted on Thursday, Feb. 13.
- Yearbook: Yearbook Application - due Feb. 14
Finally, check out:
- Performing Arts FAQs
- Engineering Options for Incoming Freshmen
- Engineering Options for Sophomores and Juniors
- Engineering Options for Seniors
BSM High School
Senior High
2024-25 Quick Links
- Academic Calendar
- Bell Schedule
- Summer Assignments & School Information
- Red Knight Round-Up
- Athletics Information and Forms
- Student Handbook
- Senior High Course Selection Process
- Senior Year Resources
- Faculty / Staff Directory
- Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Senior High Courses
Senior High Leadership Team
Matt Weingartz
Senior High Principal
Matthew McMerty-Brummer
Senior High Assistant Principal:
All students A-L
Michael Kautzman
Senior High Assistant Principal:
All students M-Z
BSM’S Guidance & College Counselors
Amy Larson
for students with last names A-Do
Kate Berry
for students with last names Dr-I
Heidi Wessman
for students with last names J-Me
Brandy Castaneda
for students with last names Mi-Sa
Amanda Anderson
for students with last names Sc-Z
Laura Esping
Chemical Health Counselor
Dr. Jules Nolan
licensed Psychologist for grades 7-12
Ty Cody, ED.S.
school psychologist
Dr. Jeff Steffenson
on-campus therapist