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Junior High

Introduce Your Preteen to the Joys of Learning

Every junior high student at Benilde-St. Margaret’s is provided with a strong academic program in a caring and structured environment.

Students learn from our faculty in a dynamic and engaging setting with dialogue, opportunities to use critical thinking skills, and methods to apply the knowledge learned in innovative and creative ways.

Your junior high student will participate
in a program focusing on intellectual, emotional,
spiritual, social, and physical development.

This approach is founded upon a solid Catholic experience and is designed to prepare each student for high school. Students will participate in discussions with classmates, engage with faculty on topics of interest, and learn about themselves and the world in which they live. 

The BSM junior high curriculum emphasizes the development of the following:

  • Language arts skills with separate English and literature classes
  • Math concept comprehension, including pre-algebra, algebra, and geometry, preparing students for advanced math classes in high school
  • Foreign language skills, as every student has the opportunity to study a world language of their choosing

Technology is an important tool for learning at BSM, where each student is provided a personal laptop for daily academic use. Technology is also integrated into all areas of the curriculum for applied learning.

Our curriculum includes three levels of English, literature, and mathematics:

  • Accelerated: for students working and testing significantly above grade level
  • Standard: for students at grade level
  • Concepts: for students working and/or testing below grade level

Students participate in homeroom for academic advisory, activities, and special interest meetings. Discussions on decision-making, self-esteem, diversity, peer pressure, and healthy social relationships ensure each student has the skills to thrive in society wherever they go.

Read a welcome message from our junior high principal, Rikki Mortl.

Learn about specific courses and programs offered at BSM below:

Fine Arts: Visual Arts & Music

Choose from courses providing students with opportunities to express themselves creatively.

Fine Arts: 8th Grade Electives

Our 8th grade students have a variety of classes to choose from in the fine arts.

Language Arts

These courses develop writing and speaking skills designed to develop valuable life-long habits and skills.


These course provide the necessary concepts and methods in math to master the problem-solving skills needed in high school.


Learn healthy habits ensuring a quality of life, collaborative mindset, and a holistic approach to staying active.


These courses examine the importance of ecology, genetics, and the human body in small group and project-based formats.

Social Studies

These courses explore United States history and global events drawing connections between past and current events.


These courses nurture an understanding of Catholic theology and social justice, providing an ability to articulate your beliefs beyond the classroom.

World Language

Broaden your perspectives and make connections with other cultures and communities by becoming proficient in another language.

8th Grade Elective Courses

Choose from a variety of courses that allow you to discover new things and interests during your last year of middle school at BSM.

Junior High Quick Links

Junior High
Course Offerings

Junior High
Leadership Team

Rikki Mortl
Junior High Principal

Damian Johnson
Junior High Dean of Students

Sarah Gerads
Junior High Administrative Assistant

Kristin Gilbertson
Director of Learning Support

Junior High Counselor

Sarah Kelly
Junior High Counselor

Benefits of the BSM Junior High Experience

Principal's Welcome Message